In the Blink of an Eye

by Sarah Irland
Original - Sold
Not Specified
10.000 x 8.000 x 0.500 inches
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In the Blink of an Eye
Sarah Irland
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
A male ruby-throated hummingbird in flight is captured as it approaches a blossom. In the Northeast, these hummingbirds are frequent visitor to our hummingbird feeders, as well as garden blossoms. They are quite territorial and often try to defend the feeder from other Hummers. They are not shy and will often approach humans, as well, who are sitting nearby. It is a pleasure to hear their loud hum as they zoom by. Unfortunately for us, by mid September, they have migrated South - and it seems they are gone In the Blink of an Eye.
© 2017 Sarah Irland
"In the Blink of an Eye":
- won 3rd Place in the Online Art Contest - Hummingbirds And Cardinals on 12-13-24
-won 3rd Place in the Online Art Contest - Painted Hummingbird on 05-16-23
-won 2nd Place in the Online Art Contest - For the Birds Special Feature on 04-30-23
-won 3rd Place in the Online Art Contest - For the Birds Special Feature on 12-1-22
-won 2nd Place (Tied) in the Online Art Contest - Hummingbirds of Costa Rica on 06-11-22
-won 2nd Place (Tied) in the Online Art Contest - Hummingbird Paintings on 03-29-22
-won 3rd Place (Tied) in the Online Art Contest - Garden Friends on 11-15-21
-won 2nd Place (Tied) in the Online Art Contest - Birds With Flowers on 8-25-21
-won 3rd Place in the Online Art Contest: Look at Me-Bright and Colorful Birds and Insects on 6-14-21
-won 1st Place in the Contest - Hummingbird with Flowers - No Photos on 8-30-20
Thank you to the Administrators of the following groups for featuring "In the Blink of an Eye":
All about Birds on 02/01/2024
Special Feature in the Birds - Paintings - Art Group on 12-12-23
Special Feature in 1000 Views on 1 Image on 11/19/21
1000 Views on 1 Image on 11/16/2021
For the Birds on 08/27/2021
Wonder of Wings on 06/19/2021
ABC Group on 02/21/2021
Animals on 01/09/2021
Beautiful Birds on 12/09/2020
Visions Of Spring - Glances of Summer on 05/06/2020
A Birding Group - Wings on 03/03/2020
Wildlife ONE A DAY on 09/08/2019
FAA Portraits - Birds on 03/19/2019
July 28th, 2018