Pansies for Barbara - Happy Mother's Day
by Sarah Irland
Pansies for Barbara - Happy Mother's Day
Sarah Irland
Painting - Original Acrylic Painting With Digital Message
For Mother's Day...and all of the wonderful mothers in the world!
My mother loved Pansies. Each year on Mother’s Day, she and I would go out and buy a huge box of Pansies for her garden. She would marvel at the beauty of each one and admire the diversity of each bloom as no two were alike.
We easily spent hours as we filled her box with a variety of blooms and we were not done until we had searched through hundreds of Pansies to find the most unique.
This was one way that my mother taught me to value and appreciate difference. From her I learned that diversity is positive and something to be sought.
© 2021 Sarah Irland
"Pansies for Barbara - Happy Mother's Day,":
- won 2nd Place in the Online Art Contest - Mother's Day on 05-08-23
- won 2nd Place in the Online Art Contest - Celebrating Mothers on 05-05-22
Thank you to the Administrators of the following Groups for featuring "Pansies for Barbara - Happy Mothers Day":
Visions Of Spring - Glances of Summer on 04/05/2024
The Art Workshop on 05/04/2023
This image is developed from an original painting entitled "Pansies for Barbara," by Sarah Irland. The painting can be viewed without the message at:
April 28th, 2022