The Waiting Moon

by Sarah Irland
Original - Sold
Not Specified
5.000 x 7.000 inches
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The Waiting Moon
Sarah Irland
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Sometimes the moon appears before the sun fully sets. This most often happens as we draw close to the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. Not yet in its full glory, The Waiting Moon seems to bide its time until the sky becomes dark and it can truly shine.
© 2023 Sarah Irland
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Color on 12/30/2023
1000 Views on 1 Image on 09/11/2023
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10 Plus on 05/10/2023
Emotive Art on 05/10/2023
Red Maple Gallery on 05/09/2023
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Vertical Images on 05/04/2023
The Painting Loggia on 04/27/2023
Your Story of Art on 04/26/2023
Imagination Gone Wild on 04/25/2023
The Art Workshop on 04/25/2023
Everything Sunset on 04/24/2023
April 24th, 2023